Wednesday 22 June 2011

Winter Salad

This combination of bitter lettuce, sweet orange, tart pomegranate, creamy persian fetta and crunchy roasted hazelnuts is an absolute winner!  Don't be put off by the ingredients....they are available (most of the time in season) at your local supermarket.  If you can't get an ingredient, be creative, think of the combination and use a substitute.  Goat's cheese instead of fetta, dried cranberries or even raspberries instead of pomegranate, walnuts v's hazelnuts and so on...

You will need:

Serves many!

A mixture of winter greens (rocket, witlof, treviso or raddichio, baby cos, baby beetroot leaves)
1 stalk of celery, sliced on the diagonal
1 Orange, skin removed, cut in half and sliced
1/2 a pomegranate, seeds and juice removed
100gms of persian fetta
1/3 cup of roasted hazelnuts, roughly chopped
1/4 cup roughly chopped continental parsley
a handful of young celery leaves (the very pale green ones, dark ones are bitter)
2 tbs of good extra virgin olive oil
2tbs of good red wine vinegar
Salt and Pepper

This salad looks really good on a large flat plate so you can see all the ingredients.  Keep the salad leaves quite chunky and whole and arrange them on the plate.  Scatter the orange, celery, pomegranate seeds, persian fetta and hazelnuts over the top of the leaves.  Top with the celery and parsley leaves and season with salt and pepper.

In a small bowl whisk together the reserved pomegranate juice, olive oil and vinegar until combined.   Drizzle over the salad and serve immediately.

You can make this salad a little ahead however don't dress it until just before serving.

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